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Humans of Duke Sanford

“I’m from  #Turkey, and I worked for the Minister of Finance there before coming to Sanford. It was a good job. It was a hard job, but hard is good. As a government official, you have to deal with difficult, unexpected situations. The toughest things I had to deal with were parliamentary discussions because the Minister of Finance assists with financial issues in parliament, so when budget negotiations come, the Minister has to provide financial data. The Minister of Finance has the political responsibility of setting the budget, which is why parliamentary discussions are so important. I have a sponsorship from the Minister of Finance so I will be going back to Turkey to work for him again." - Onur Varoglu, MIDP Candidate

“I’m from  #Turkey, and I worked for the Minister of Finance there before coming to Sanford. It was a good job. It was a hard job, but hard is good. As a government official, you have to deal with difficult, unexpected situations. The toughest things I had to deal with were parliamentary discussions because the Minister of Finance assists with financial issues in parliament, so when budget negotiations come, the Minister has to provide financial data. The Minister of Finance has the political responsibility of setting the budget, which is why parliamentary discussions are so important. I have a sponsorship from the Minister of Finance so I will be going back to Turkey to work for him again.” – Onur Varoglu, MIDP Candidate #HumansofDukeSanford #MIDP