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Humans of Duke Sanford

Immigration has a lot of salience right now. It’s front on a lot of people’s policy discussions - what this course does is going to go back behind it and try to understand why people immigrate. I’ve just been increasingly struck by the fact that the United States is not the United States of my boyhood. It’s a new place, it’s evolving, and if we want to understand what our emerging society is going to be, we better have a pretty good understanding or a better understanding of who ‘these people’ are that don’t look like the people that were there already. - Prof. Charles Clotfelter is teaching his new course “Pub Pol 590: Immigrant, Outcast, Citizen” this spring.

Immigration has a lot of salience right now. It’s front on a lot of people’s policy discussions – what this course does is going to go back behind it and try to understand why people immigrate. I’ve just been increasingly struck by the fact that the United States is not the United States of my boyhood. It’s a new place, it’s evolving, and if we want to understand what our emerging society is going to be, we better have a pretty good understanding or a better understanding of who ‘these people’ are that don’t look like the people that were there already. – Prof. Charles Clotfelter is teaching his new course “Pub Pol 590: Immigrant, Outcast, Citizen” this spring. #HumansofDukeSanford #Faculty