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Humans of Duke Sanford

“A significant portion of research doesn’t reflect who LQBTQ folk are and can run the risk of misrepresenting or misunderstanding the challenges our community can face. Innovative, ethical and thoughtful research is a powerful tool in the policy process. I’m excited to be at Sanford figuring out the best way to equip advocates and community members with the research that can help advance their important work.
After graduation, I’d love to continue my work somewhere that believes in the vital connection between research and action. As a transgender researcher who both studies and experiences (some of) the disparities I’m writing about, I know how important it is to work and how essential of a tool it can be for actually reducing the harm we observe.”
—Liam Miranda, MPP ‘21

“A significant portion of research doesn’t reflect who LQBTQ folk are and can run the risk of misrepresenting or misunderstanding the challenges our community can face. Innovative, ethical and thoughtful research is a powerful tool in the policy process. I’m excited to be at Sanford figuring out the best way to equip advocates and community members with the research that can help advance their important work.
After graduation, I’d love to continue my work somewhere that believes in the vital connection between research and action. As a transgender researcher who both studies and experiences (some of) the disparities I’m writing about, I know how important it is to work and how essential of a tool it can be for actually reducing the harm we observe.”
—Liam Miranda, MPP ‘21
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